
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Simply accept yourself already...

I am over weight.

Thats right. I'm 5 foot 3 and pretty much weight twice as much as I should for a girl my height. I've hated myself for it for years. To the point where I wouldn't go swimming, because I thought people would laugh at me. I wouldn't walk, because I thought people would automatically assume that because im fat, I'll fail at my obvious attempt at weight loss. But recently, I'm learning and trying to just love myself and embrase who I am while trying to have a healthier life style. I've lost 9 lbs in about a month or so and I'm going to just keep up at this pace in hopes that in the long run, I'll be happier and healthier. In the mean time, theres something to say about fat girl fashion. We dont have a lot of choices. That makes a hard to love what you're wearing when you can't always participate in the latest fashions. But, there are some websites out there that offer me some encouragement...

How cute is this & how adorable would it be paired with some leggings even and some cute earrings & bracelets? Its from Sizestofit .

They also have this high waist millenium skirt. How cute with a tucked in white top, right? Its also from Sizestofit .

The above black skirt with this top, would be adorable. It comes in mustard (shown) and black. It is also from .

I'm resisting buying these three items, for now... ;)

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